Guestbook of Thailand online
Gästebuch von Thailand online
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We would love it if you would add a comment or
information to the guestbook of Thailand online!
Wir freuen uns über jeden Eintrag ins
Gästebuch von Thailand online!
Welcome to the
Ban Thung Phrao, Wawi-Valley, Chiang Rai
We would love it if you would add a comment or
information to the guestbook of Thailand online!
Wir freuen uns über jeden Eintrag
insGästebuch von Thailand online!
Wunderschoene Web Seiten habt Ihr im Internet :
Aber ich haette da noch einige Verbesserungsvorschlaege :
Einige WEB - CAM S rund um den Night Basar in Chiang Mai , oder im Bubbels in der Porng Ping Tower Disco , oder in den Spass Buden .
Hier in Germansky Land kostet ne Cam nur noch 100.- DM das wird in Thailand doch wohl guenstiger zu erwerben sein . !
Liebe Gruesse SABAI SABAI
Claus Vietmeier <>
Detmold, Germany Thailand -
Mon Feb 28 19:08:07 EST 2000
Great Web Side!!!!!!!
I would like to have some E-mails friends. From anywhere in the world!!!!!
I be happy about every Mail.
Kattareega Schneider <>
Gensingen, Rheinland-Pfalz Germany -
Sun Feb 27 15:17:33 EST 2000
I have a private house for rent on the beach in Ko Lanta.
I would like to put an ad on your website for people to see.
It is an attractive wood house with 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom on the main
road in the southwest part of the island. It has electricity, running water
and a western-style toilet.
It is available between April and November for only $200 (U.S.) per month.
Maid service, including cooking and grocery shopping, are also available for
an additional $200 (U.S.) per month.
For further information or reservations please contact
Thailand -
Sat Feb 26 16:20:35 EST 2000
Hallo Thaifreunde
Wir empfehlen uns für Medaillen S.M. König Rama V, die in der Schweiz in Gold und Silber mit höchster Präzision angefertigt werden. Das ideale Geschenk für Ihre Thailandreise. Die Thais schätzen diese Art von Geschenk.
Rama V shop & gallery <>
Luzern, Switzerland -
Sat Feb 26 07:24:21 EST 2000
i would like any information about independent travel in Thialand
Kirsty <>
Elgin, Scotland -
Thu Feb 24 11:05:59 EST 2000
Sehr informative Page!
Gratulation und Gruss Roland und Suwanna
Roland und Suwanna <>
Biel, Bern Switzerland -
Sun Feb 13 09:03:08 EST 2000
lat california koy yak ho lea yak ho chack kon lao you nai
pa thed lao tha dai hap leo ka lounna top dea .
kopchai <>
Thailand -
Sat Feb 12 03:12:12 EST 2000
online clothing for children
rahul gala <>
queensland, australia -
Sat Feb 12 02:49:48 EST 2000
We hope to visit Thailand in April. Can you please send us any and all information about sights to see, places to go, festivals during that time, and any other information we could use? We would like to visit Puket, Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Any info on hotels would also be helpful (what hotels are available?)
Thank you for your time.
Beth Clark,
PSC 80 Box 15012,
APO, AP 96367
Aaron & Beth Clark <>
Thailand -
Thu Feb 10 15:01:38 EST 2000
nice web page if any one want's to be pin pals please email me
billy adkins <>
columbus, ohio usa - Sat Feb 5 04:22:59 EST 2000
Maybe someone can help me get in touch with a lady I met recently in London. Her name
is TAJUREEPORN CAREY and she lives somewhere in North East Thailand. I do not have her
address, and I would like to keep in touch with her as a friend. I understand her sister
has a restaurant somewhere near, between Bangkok and her home. I would really be grateful
for any help.
Michael Beeforth <>
England - Fri Feb 4 14:33:23 EST 2000
kimme kimme <>
Votzencity, Thailand - Tue Feb 1 08:25:00 EST 2000
Please add information or questions to the
guestbook of Thailand online!
Wir freuen uns über jeden Eintrag ins
Gästebuch von Thailand online!
Welcome to the
Mae Hong Sorn, Thailand

Thank you for visiting Thailand online.
Danke für Ihren Besuch bei Thailand online.