Guestbook of Thailand online
Gästebuch von Thailand online
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Gästebuch von Thailand online!
Hallo, ich bin seit 6 Jahren mit einer Thai verheiratet. Seit kurzem
habe ich einen PC und möchte ihr die Möglichkeit bieten, ihre Briefe auf dem
Computer zu schreiben. Dazu benötige ich den Thai-Font. Wer kann mir weiterhelefen?
Braucht man auch eine Thai-Tastatur usw. Für Eure Hilfe danke ich im voraus.
Germany - Wed Jan 31 15:07:51 EST 2001
I will be going over to Koh Pangnan at the end of March, hopefully to stay.
Can anyone give me any advice on making enough money to live whilst out there
as I'm pretty new to all this.
Paul Davey <>
London, Thailand - Mon Jan 29 10:08:30 EST 2001
Hallo, kann mir jemand helfen? Suche online wörterbuch Thai-Deutsch,Deutsch-Thai
mit höhren der wörter. Bin für jeden Tip dankbar. Bitte helft mir. cu Jürgen
Jürgen <brummi>
Bremerhaven, - Sun Jan 28 08:34:13 EST 2001
Dear Sir or Madam, Our organization is small Publishing House located in
Chiang Mai, Thailand with 20 years of experience in producing various kinds of
books in the Thai Language. We are now, at the beginning of this new century,
have embarked on a new international literary route by publishing a first English
Language version of our "Hmong" Historical Novel named “Chao Fa”. ‘Chao Fa’ is
a novel that was first written in 1982 in the Thai Language and, in the following
year was awarded ‘book of the year award’ by the Royal Thai Ministry of Education.
It has been re-printed 15 times to date. Many of the Hmong who spent some time
in Thailand, during the late 70's, before coming to the United States may have
heard of and/or even have read this book. We remember that there were some orders
for this book from Ban Winai, Loei. ‘Chao Fa’ was recognized internationally in
1983 when a Japanese firm, named ‘Mekong Publishing House’ translated into the
Japanese language. The title of ‘Chao Fa’ in the Japanese language is ‘The death
on the Mekong River’. The Japanese version of ‘Chao Fa’ is still in print after
the third successful printing. This novel could be called ‘Non-Fiction’ or a ‘Documentary
Novel’. It is about the ‘Hmong’ (minority tribrspeople) in the Kingdom of Laos
who had to fight to survive during the Vietnam War era. In relating its story
about the hard and difficult war the Hmong fourth in order to retain freedom,
and their long plight to help stop the Communists’ aggression in Southeast Asia,
this novel reveals the so-called ‘American’s Secret War’ at the same time. Other
than the Thai, the Japanese, and the English languages available to day, an ethnic
Hmong from Thailand who is pursuing his doctorate degree at the University of
Washington is also planning to translate ‘Chao Fa’ into the Hmong language. This
Hmong student wants the Hmong in the United States and everywhere in the world
to read it because, as he said, “It’s a book of a life time for the Hmong”. We
feel that, this book will represent the Hmong people in the international community
and will inform their friends and the world of how they have come to be refugees,
have to disperse in all directions and have become permanent residents in so many
countries, from Australia, Canada, France, Japan to the United States of America.
Other than the Hmong that should be interested in ‘Chao Fa’, we think that the
US servicemen who used to be stationed in Southeast Asia and/or American civilian
who had served in this part of Asia might also be interested as well. Most of
you know very little about the fighting in Laos since there was no U.S. military
personnel assigned to the ground operation in that country. This is a good opportunity
to learn what else was going on in the region during the Vietnam War era. The
Thai and Japanese readers so far have accepted this novel as the best novel written
about the Hmong’s war in Laos. We do think that you might want to read it too.
Following are reviews of this novel by The Thai and Japanese: Introducing Chao
Fa and Piriya Panasuwan “…..On the serious side, There is a book called "Chao
Fa", serious is probably not a right word to use to effectively describe this
highly moving documentary novel by a newly born writer in the novelist arena by
the pen-name of ‘Piriya Panasuwan’. It is the story of the fight and survival
of people without their own land, the Lao tribespeople called the "Hmong", who
are refugees in the North and Northeast camps in Thailand. As the author says,
the incidents are based on facts because this is a documentary novel. And we all
of course remember the many tragic incidents which happened in Laos such as the
air raids by the American air force at Thung Hai Hin (Plane de Jars) and their
effect on the Hmong. They can hardly be considered fiction, one would think. Chao
Fa is also a story of one particular Hmong man, Neng Lee Tu, and the sacrifices
he has to make for his people. Suchart Sawadsri, who writes the foreword for the
book, describes the book as a "fictionalism of reality written in a new style
with a new system using a central hero as a leading guideline of the story." The
out come is most effective. Historically, the Hmong are the people whose lives
have been faced constantly with fighting to protect themselves, as the author
says, which means migration as a consequence. They've never had their own land.
"Whilst other refugees are crying for conveniences for their camps giving as a
reason 'humanities' sake', in the midst on the darkness one night, a Hmong woman
uses her bare hands to dig a grave on the bank of the Mekong River to bury her
three-month old baby who was drowned while they're trying to escape into Thai
territory. She didn't even ask for a spade..." A poignant story exceptionally
appropriates to nag people's conscience. The author, a music graduate from America,
who has had many years involvement with the Hmong refugees, portrays it remarkably
well. It inevitably brings you to tears along the miserable path the Hmong have
to take. -From a column: BOOKMARKER by "GAP" Bangkok Post, Sunday January 9, 1983
* * * * * * * In 1983 Professor IKUO SAKURADA of the KEIO University, Japan wrote
the following comment in the foreword of the first Japanese language edition of
Chao Fa: "After Piriya Panasuwan published his first novel 'Chao Fa', he became
a well-know author. This novel was first published in 1982 and has had 7 editions
to date. It's reputation results from its uniqueness. Piriya had been working
in Laos for 8 years. Chao Fa was the first documentary novel in Thailand and was
awarded two prizes, one in 1982 and the other in 1983. Most people did not know
much about the Indochina War; especially, what the Hmong did or why they joined
the war. People only know about how many people died or the amount of damage done.
This novel makes the reader realize that there was also another side to the conflict;
human pain, courage, sacrifice and love of the family. After reading this novel,
the reader becomes aware of the reality of life among the Hmong people. Groups
of Hmong people are still fighting against Laos as guerillas." -Translated by
Miki Yamamoto Other than the above reviews, we will be very honored if you would
visit our web site at to learn more about 'Chao
Fa' and view the cover of this book. Your comments and/or your order are gratefully
accepted. ‘Chao Fa' is a 340-page hardcover book with a full-color dustjacket.
The trim size is 6"x81/2". There are also a map and 19 illustrations. The price
is $ 29.95. The English version of this book is now available in several bookstores
for the American readers at $ 29.95 per copy. However if you order it directly
from us, we will give you a 30% discount of $ 9. You can place you order to the
manager of the U.S. Benya Publishing House at: Ms. Jettanaporn Suwannakoon Manager,
Benya Publishing House 2 Greglen Ave. suit 414 Nantucket, MA 02554 Telephone:
(508) 325-5842 Email: With your order, please enclose
a check or money order of $ 28.95 payable to Jettanaporn Suwannakoon. ($20.95
for the book (after a discount of $9) plus $ 8 for international and domestic
shipping). Thank You, Pongkaset Suwannakoon Publisher Benya Publishing House P.O.
Box 1 Sarapee Post Office Chiang Mai, Thailand Email:
Pongkaset Suwannakoon <>
Sarapee, Chiang Mai Thailand - Wed Jan 24 23:43:02 EST 2001
hi.............. i'm Malian looking for my lost girlfriend namely Ms.Apit.
She's working as a booking girl that i meet her at sungai Golok recently when
i went there. She is very good girl but can any girl email me .i mean thai girl
that stay at sungai golok area ....... cause i want to make friend or at least
i have somebody know me when i'm come to golok. thank u
Malian <>
shah alam, selangor malaysia - Sun Jan 21 22:43:01 EST 2001
at my last visit to golok i've meet 1 good looking thai girl and i started
to like her so much.she is working at Marina hotel disco as a dancer.But to my
dissapointment she;s got a boyfriend and at 1 occation her by...nearly punch me
up.......i guest what i'm doing wrong. If her by want for that i'm f****king ready
for it. the best man win.that i say it. if you want to help me her name ,i mean
people call her by the name of AKAY.......and she's a dancer at marina hotel disco.
please help me. thak you.
semangkokAyun <>
shah alam, selangor malaysia - Sun Jan 21 22:26:09 EST 2001
i'm looking for any thai girl who use to chat or e-mail that stay at sungai
golok area so ican see her when i go there. normally i will come to golok once
a month.........but i'm only looking for thai girl not malay thai girl..
semangkok Ayun <>
shah alam, selangor malaysia - Sun Jan 21 22:18:50 EST 2001
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, als erstes einmal ein grosses Lob, die Seiten
sind klasse. Nun habe ich aber noch eine sehr grosse Bitte, die eine lange Geschichte
hat. Ich züchte in Deutschland Thai-Katzen (in Thailand heissen sie noch Siam,
in Deutschland gibt es auch eine Siam, die aber sehr schlank ist und nicht mehr
dem ursprünglichen Typ entspricht. Erst seit wenigen Jahren wird in Deutschland
wieder die eigentliche Siam -eben als Thai- gezüchtet. Es ist (wie Sie es sich
sicher denken können) sehr schwer einen solchen Typ wieder zu züchten. Die Siam
wurde offiziell nur noch bis vor 20 und 30 Jahren gezüchtet. Die Tiere, die an
Liebhaber gingen und noch sehr typvoll waren, wurden alle kastriert. Nur wenige
Tiere überlebten in ihrer alten Form bei Züchtern und ohne kastriert zu sein.
Es ist daher sehr schwer die alte Form zurückzuzüchten. Leider haben einige Züchter
in Deutschland und anderen Nachbarländern versucht die Siam des alten Typs durch
andere Katzenrassen wieder zu züchten. Dieser Versuch schlug oft fehl. Das Aussehen
war zwar ähnlich, aber die einzigartige Art wie diese Rasse ist, kam dabei nicht
mehr zustande. Eigentlich wollte ich nie züchten, kam aber durch Zufall an eine
Katze dieser Rasse, die auch sehr diesem Typ noch entspricht. Mit dieser möchte
ich zusammen mit einer weiteren -inzwischen von mir gekauften Katze und eines
Katers- versuchen diesen Typ -der in Thailand auch als Hauskatze lebt und dort
auch noch ursprünglich gezüchtet wird- aufleben zu lassen. Meiner Meinung nach,
wäre es schade diese Rasse durch das Einkreuzen anderer Rassen zu vermischen.
Es ist sehr schwer an eine solche Siam bzw. Thaikatze zu kommen. Nun meine grosse
Bitte: Ist es möglich, dass mir Adressen von Siam-Züchtern (offizielle Züchter,
da die Katzen, die auf dem Markt in Thailand angeboten werden, oft Mischlinge
sind- genannt werden? Es wäre wirklich ein grosses Anliegen von mir. Noch dazu
bitte ich mir einige typische thailändische Vornamen (von Frauen und Männern)
zu nennen, da ich allen Siam/Thaikatzen die bei mir geboren werden einen solchen
Vornamen geben möchte! Meine Zuchtkätzin hat z.B. von mir den Vornamen Malee bekommen.
Eine gute Freunding die in der Nähe von Bangkok wohnt und auch von dort stammt
ist für mich leider - wieder dorthin zurückgekehrt. Ihr Deutsch ist auch über
das Telefon nur sehr schlecht zu verstehen, so dass sie mir bei diesen Anliegen
kaum helfen kann. Um es auf den Punkt zu bringen, habe ich folgende Bitten: Ist
es möglich bei Siamzüchtern in Thailand eine reinrassige Siam (Thai) zu kaufen?
Gibt es Stammbäume für Siamkatzen in Thailand? Könnten Sie mir Adressen von Tierärzten
nennen, die eine Veteriärbescheinigung ausstellen könnten, die ich benötige um
ein Tier nach Deutschland zu bringen. Ich würde sie natürlich selbst in Thailand
abholen. Eventuell hätten auch befreundete Züchter mit dem gleichen Anliegen auch
Interesse 1 oder 2 Katzen zu kaufen. Ich kann Ihnen garantieren, dass es ihnen
bei uns sehr gut gehen wird. Wir alle sind seriöse Züchter. Übringens ich bin
in Deutschland als Züchterin Mitglied bei: Deutsche Edelkatze e.V. in Essen und
beim Internationalen Thai-Club. Mein Zwingername ist: "vom Lotosgarten". Für Rückfragen
stehe ich jederzeit zur Verfügung. Ich freue mich jetzt bereits sehr auf Ihre
Antwort und hoffe, sie können etwas für mich tun. IM VORAUS RECHT HERZLICHEN DANK!!!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Gertraude Fichtner
Gertraude Fichtner <Thai-Katzen
Malsch, Germany - Sat Jan 20 10:16:01 EST 2001
Very interesting website. Hope to see more updates of the pictures.
Thongchai Phaetkhun <>
Singapore, Singapore Singapore - Fri Jan 19 12:08:10 EST 2001
Sawasdee I am Thai people. I have graduaged Master degree in Applied Linguistics.
Now I am quite free. I love teaching Thai language for foreigners but I have only
one student ( Haha). I want to help you for any difficulties of yours during staying
in Thailand. Or you want any information about culture, cultural awareness so
on. Mail to me :
Chatchai Palard <>
Bangkok, Thailand - Fri Jan 19 07:44:39 EST 2001
Congratulations, you have a great website! Keep up the good work. Thank
you! Alex
Alex <>
Bangkok, Thailand - Sun Jan 14 23:03:35 EST 2001
Hi People! We are going to Thailand in May 2001. We celebrate the Full Moon
Party on 7th of May. Eihter who want to know us or to celabrate whith us please
send an e-mail! We are six grazy Partypeople from Frankfurt.
See you all!! Simmi and the others
Simmi <>
Frankfurt, Germany - Thu Jan 11 10:29:06 EST 2001
. . . Edward Frey here saying Hello to all you gentle Thai people. I'm an Oxford
author and have written much about your lovely country.
. . . In my latest book, TO PLEASE A CHINESE WIFE,, I write about
your many golden temples, the precious Emerald Buddha and the magnificent reclining
Buddhas in Bangkok and Mandalay.
. . . I write about the indescribably delicious Durian too, that's where
I first tasted it. Indeed, I devote chapters 23, 24 and 25 to romantic scenarios
set in Bangkok and Chiang Mai.
. . .It was in that hill-country that I met a Padaung girl and her grandmother
with their long, long necks encased in brass coils. I was stunned with the lonely
girl's wistful beauty and with her permission, devoloped a tender love story
for my new book.
. . . I have traveled far and wide with my work for Oxford and can truly
say that Thailand is the loveliest and most interesting country of them all.
. . . Sincerely yours, author Edward Frey.
Author Edward
London, England - Sun Jan 7 22:54:20 EST 2001
i love thailand
- Sun Jan 7 22:08:09 EST 2001
BAXLEY , GEORIGA UNITED STATES - Sat Jan 6 18:20:59 EST 2001
If you are looking for the cheapest rate phone cards to call Thailand, U.S.
domestic and international countries around the world, please visit
They sell cheapest rate phone cards at discount prices. Digital Sound Quality.
fon <>
-, - Thailand - Thu Jan 4 20:04:47 EST 2001
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