Thailand online: Meeting point for all our friends of Thailand. Special information about Northern Thailand: Chiangrai, Chiangsaen, Golden Triangle, Chiangmai, Mae Hong Sorn, etc.

Guestbook of Thailand online

Gästebuch von Thailand online

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Hello, this is a very nice website about Thailand! Please come and see my website with nice photos from Thailand and more! Best regards from Tom.
Tom <>
Zeist, The Netherlands - Thu Sep 27 19:40:50 EDT 2001

jip, See ya!!
S.C.Miller <>
Siegen, NRW Germany - Wed Sep 26 08:16:22 EDT 2001
hallo liebe thaifreunde ich lebe mit meiner thailändischen frau in österreich, und wollte mich hier informieren , ob mir jemand von euch schreiben kann , wie ich hier in österreich ( oberösterreich ) einen thailändischen fernsehsender empfangen kann . würde mich freuen , wenn mir jemand diesbezüglich ein paar tipps geben könnte; wünsche euch noch viel spaß und einen schönen aufenthalt in thailand mit besten grüßen chris christian
christian <>
austria, austria austria - Sun Sep 23 10:32:42 EDT 2001
Hello, I am attempting to find someone in the Nation of Thailand which speaks English and has access to a computer. There is a company in Thailand which produces a product which is known there as "Safety Underware", This product prevents sexual assault and is presently being sold in Thailand. I desire to find this company and I would welcome any information,or assistance anyone may have. I can be contacted at my E-mail address, or by phone at the following Ph.# 1 - 915 - 268-5559 (USA). I additionally am willing to pay for helpful information which would allow me to contact this company. Sincerely, Mr. Al T. Lundy - Sept.22,2001.
Al Lundy <>
Big Spring,, Texas USA - Sat Sep 22 16:26:55 EDT 2001
Hallo! Ich hab im Laufe der letzten 5 Jahre mehrere Rucksackreisen durch Thailand gemacht. Über diese Reisen berichte ich in meiner Homepage. Ich kann immer wieder nur sagen, Thailand ist ein wunderbares Reiseland, insbesondere ausserhalb der Touristenorte. Im November/ Dezember bin ich wieder im Norden Thailands unterwegs. Robert
Robert Hildebrand <>
Dormagen, NRW Deutschland - Tue Sep 18 08:56:38 EDT 2001
Hi from france !
trance mp3
France - Tue Sep 18 05:36:17 EDT 2001
Sawadees ka!!!! I am first 16 but i like your page. Very interested and good. ok thank u bey bey
Heike Brockmann <>
Ravensburg, Europe Germany - Sun Sep 16 12:52:19 EDT 2001
I am looking for a penfriend for my three brothers, they are both studying in Highschoól. They are very attractive young man, honest, good humor, most of all are very funny. You I got no voice tp speak with them because of laughing, they like to speak jokes and fantasy stories. If you think that you are fitting to them or if you are interested, please write in postal letter. BRINDO 19 yrs, RYAN 17 yrs, NINÖ 15 yrs, family name TAPALES Brindo Tapales, Ryan Tapales, or Ninö Tapales Tap-anan, Basiot 6032 Moalboal, Cebu-Philippines Please select it" which of them you want to write. They are very happy to get a letter from you.
menchie Rattenberger <brattenberger>
Klagenfurt, Kärnten Austria - Fri Sep 14 05:16:03 EDT 2001
kurierservice fliege am 06.11.01 nach bangkok. übernehme aufträge, dokumentenservice etc. anfragen an email
robert <>
munich, germany germany - Wed Sep 12 07:09:40 EDT 2001
I been searching since one month and now I found your guest book guys! Actually I am looking for a especial friend for my sister, if you are intersted, you can write me an e-mail ,or you can write a postal to my sister. She is 25 years old ´living and working in Philippines. I can describe her easily, she have black eyes, shoulder black hair, height 5´2, attractive, and most of all she is very funny, she like to talk funny things. If you want to know my sister be´tter, then" write her and hurry!THIS IS HER ADDRESS: MIMI TAPALES* 618 P.BURGOS ST. CAVITE CITY PHILIPPINES CONCERNING ABOUT ME AM LIVING IN AUSTRIA WITH MY HUSBAND AND MY TWO SMALL KIDS:
Menchie Rattenberger <brattenberger>
Kärnten, Klagenfurt, Philippines Austria - Europe - Tue Sep 11 08:59:28 EDT 2001
swasdee khrap suche tätigkeit im tourismus in thailand. bin 44 j, gel. sped.-kfm, englisch sprechend, 15 j in der seefracht (container) im bereich sales u. marketing tätig, erf. im tourismus und planen, durchführen von gäste- fahrten, messen u.a. events. seit '97 div. reisen nach thailand. erste kontakte zu thais bestehen bereits. lerne z.zt. thai. infos etc an email: vielen dank.
robert geisler <>
munich, bavaria deutschland - Tue Sep 11 04:45:17 EDT 2001
Nice page, Come in and visit us
Thailand Sun Sep 9 02:18:34 EDT 2001
Very interesting site. I would like to visit Thailand very much.

United States of America Sun Sep 9 00:24:39 EDT 2001
Listen to Thai Radio LIVE 24 HOUR
USA Sat Sep 8 13:34:06 EDT 2001
Great website, hotel, information, diving, weather & holidays! Thank you - Oh from Ko Lanta / Koh Lanta -
oh <>
kolanta, krabi Thailand - Wed Sep 5 12:45:11 EDT 2001
sawadee khrap i'm looking for a job in thailand in tourism. short info about me: age 45 y, english spoken, learning thai language, occ: freight forwarder, expierence in world wide container shipping, tourism. thanks for info about possibilities etc. kkop khun khrap. rgds robert geisler
robert geisler <>
munich, germany - Tue Sep 4 04:31:53 EDT 2001

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Thailand online: Meeting point for all our friends of Thailand. Special information about Northern Thailand: Chiangrai, Chiangsaen, Golden Triangle, Chiangmai, Mae Hong Sorn, etc.

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