We also have rare and out-of-print books on Southeast-Asia,
Central Asia, Thailand, Laos,
Cambodia, and Religion.

by Askew, Marc & William S. Logan
US$ 20.00
Book order code : I 8
What is happening to Southeast Asia's urban places and Traditions as
its societies 'modernise' ,'industrialise' and 'globalize'? What is
the impact of international tourism
on the cultural life of the region's cities? Many commentators expect
a massive destruction of traditional cultural landscapes within the
next generation. On the other hand, some Southeast Asian governments
as well as the United Nations and its regional agencies are placing
a new Emphasis on the need for culturally vibrant Urbanization in the
region'. But who will decide What is culturally meaningful and worthy
of protection? Cultural Identity and Urban Change in Southeast Asia
is Offered as a part of the wider discussion a bout development and
the role of urban places in it, picking up on those themes of 'cultural
resources' and 'identity' which are central to the debate and to the
thinking of those engaged in formulating development strategies and
policy responses to economic change in Southeast Asia. These schemes
are interpreted in eleven Southeast Asian city contexts by contributors
from a range of disciplinary and national backgrounds: T.G.McGee (Foreword),
Marc Askew (Bangkok), Christiane Blancot (Phnom Penh), Annette Hamilton
(Hua Hin), Haryadi (Yogyakarta), Kuah Khun Eng (Singapore), Jimmy C.S.
Lim (Kuala Lumpur), William S. Logan (Hanoi), Guy Lubeigt (Chiang Mai),
Michael Pinches (Manila), Doosadee Thaikatoo (Phuket) And Don Townsend
(Deakin, 1994) ISBN 0949-823-43-0
264 pp., illus, 180 x 240 mm, pbk.

by Schwarz, Jurgen, Wilfried A. Herrmann & Hanns-Frank Seller (Eds)
US$ 37.50
Book order code : E 22
Maritime Strategies in Asia, the first-ever major study on maritime
strategies in the Asian region and the technical co-operation possibilities
with German maritime industries, provides an up-to date and comprehensive
assessment of the maritime strategic concepts and the navy capabilities
of the coastal countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
From a European perspective Asia, stretching from the Indian Ocean to
the Far Eastern regions, is of crucial importance for world trade and
international stability. But global and regional prosperity and stability
are closely related to the indispensable precondition of freedom of
navigation for commercial shipping and the unrestricted use of sea-lanes
of communication (SLOCs). For many years, the prime maritime concern
was militarily, not economic, as the United States and other nations
required secure maritime transport through the sea-lanes of the Asian
regions in times of military tensions and war. Now the emphasis has
shifted to the economic component, but freedom of navigation for commercial
shipping will still have to be guaranteed by military or maritime means,
and depends to a growing part on modern technical equipment.
What are the major concerns? How well are nations in the region and
outside it, prepared to deal with these challenges? Are their navies
equipped to match the new security environment and to defend the national
interests? What are the possibilities of international co-operation?
An international team of experts deals with these questions in this
joint study led by the "Asia Strategic Institute Hong Kong"
and the "Institute of International Relations" at the German
Federal Armed Forces University Munich. The result is an almost indispensable
book for anyone conducting serious studies of maritime issues in Asia
as well as for the interested layman.
(Bangkok 2002) ISBN 974-4800-08-9
674 pp., 24 pp. illus. in color, 150 x 210 mm, pbk.
We also have rare and out-of-print books on Southeast-Asia,
Central Asia,
Thailand, Laos,
Cambodia, and Religion.