Books on Vietnam
We also have rare and out-of-print books on Vietnam,
Thailand, Laos,
and Southeast-Asia.

with Special Reference to Thai Tribes
by Abadie, M.
US$ 22.50
Book order code : E 22 184
This overview presents comprehensive ethno-graphic introductions to
the tribes found in northern Vietnam and China's Yunnan Province. A
brief sketch of historical migration patterns and ethnic affiliations
with tribes in Yunnan is provided and a systematic overview given of
many tribes of each of four main groups, the Thai, Man (Yao), Meo, and
Lolo. Maurice Abadie, a French officer in the Muong Khuong-Pha Long
region of the Sino-Vietnamese border (northwest of Lao Kay) just before
the First World War, furnishes first-hand information. He discusses
each tribe's origins and settlement, physical characteristics, family
life and ancestral cults, livelihood and farming methods, customs related
to marriage, childbirth, and death, and trade and crafts, with special
reference to textiles. The study includes detailed descriptions of every
group, supported by 120 unique photos. Abadie also discusses the growing
Chinese and Vietnamese influence that would unmistakably modernize these
tribes that today mostly preserve only their special costumes as the
inalienable characteristic of their original identity.
(Bangkok 2001; First English translation of 1923) ISBN 974-7534-57-6
300 pp., 76 pp. illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

: Hanoi , Saigon, Hue and the Champa Ruins
by Barrelon, P., B. de Corbigny, Ch. Lemire & G. Cahen
US$ 16.50
Book order code : E 22 059
This compilation volume provides reports by various French writers on
the early development of the French colony of Indochina, present-day
Vietnam. Pierre Barrelon's (1859) very early account of the colonial
history of Cochinchina, the southern part of Vietnam, is supplemented
by an 1892 article on the considerable developments that took place
in Saigon. Diplomat Broassard de Corbigny (1878) provides descriptions
of Hue and of his audience with King Thu-Duc of Annam when the exchange
of a treaty with France sealed the fate of Annam, the middle part of
present-day Vietnam. Charles Lemire presents an overview of the rich
Cham monuments, virtually the only remnants left of an indigenous culture
displaced by the Vietnamese. Finally, after France marched into the
northern part of Vietnam, then called Tonkin, it took development firmly
in hand and established railway lines, roads, and educational and administrative
buildings and systems. Gaston Cahen saw these developments in 1905 and
reported on them and the ideas behind them. The reports are richly illustrated
with engravings and period photos.
(Bangkok 1999; First English trans. from 1860, '78, '93, '94, 1907)
ISBN 974-8434-56-7
248 pp., illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

by Baudesson, Henry
US$ 27.50
Book order code : E 21 868
A lively report published by Captain Henry Baudesson in 1932 upon returning
from years of work in the interior of Vietnam on various French colonial
public works. The author lived for years among the Moïs, which
means "savages" in Vietnamese, and comprises several hill
tribes. He also spent a considerable period of time with the Cham, the
curious remnants of the great Mohammedan Champa state. The book is lavishly
illustrated with period photographs of these hill people and their customs
in which captain Baudesson took a special interest. Their social life
and religious rites are placed in the wider context of studies of primitive
peoples in other parts of the world. His descriptions of their art and
culture are charac-terized by great respect for those who would soon
suffer so much from the growing influence of colonial ventures brought
by way of the railway line on which he was himself working.
(Bangkok 1997, repr. from 1932) ISBN 974-8496-69-4
246 pp., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

: 'Wild' Tribes and French Politics on the Siamese Border (1891)
by Cupet, Captain P.
US$ 16.50
Book order code : E 22 028
This book reports a chapter of Franco-Siamese politics played out in
1890-91 among the independent tribes inhabiting the crossroads between
French Southern Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Since various semi-independent
states in present-day Southern Laos and Cambodia were under the sovereignty
of and paid tribute to the King of Siam, Siamese military units were
once again confronting the dominant colonial power, France, on the borders.
The author, Captain P. Cupet, was a member of the famous Pavie Mission
and studied the politics as well as the ethnography and anthropology
of the tribes for years. Therefore, this report incorporates significant
material on such tribes as the Radé, the Djiaraï, the Davak,
the Cédang, the Brao, the Bahnar and many smaller tribes. His
pictorial material is outstanding and unrivalled as a record of the
peoples that, in the 1960s, during the struggle for the forest trails
in the next Vietnam war, entered big power politics once again.
(Bangkok 1998, First English trans. from 1893) ISBN 974-8434-45-1
194 pp., illus. 16 pp. color illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

: A French Colonialist View of Tonkin, Laos and Siam (1892)
by D'Orleans, Henri
US$ 16.50
Book order code : E 22 062
Prince Henri d'Orléans's political statement on the future of
the French trade and territorial expansion in Indochina. It is partly
a travelog of areas visisted: Hanoi, the Red River regions, the Upper
Black River to Lai Chau, Luang Prabang and parts of Siam, and partly
a political interpretation of the information gathered. The author's
interests range far and wide in the domains of commerce and industry
of any kind that might turn out to be profitable for France's colonial
adventure in the Far East. He is also adept at canvassing political
support with the local rulers, among whom the legendary Déo Van
Tri is the best known. He also visited and described in passing several
so-called hill tribes: Yao, Kha, Sa, Yan, and others. The book is illustrated
with period illustrations, many of which are rare. Although variable
in quality, these provide some idea of the "primitive" state
of these future French subjects.
(Bangkok 1999; repr. from 1892) ISBN 974-8434-18-4
418 pp., 28 pp. illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

A Field-Report of the Franco-Chinese
War and on Customs and Beliefs of the Vietnamese (1884-1885)
by Hocquard, Edouard
US$ 27.50
Book order code : E 22 060
This work is the field report of a French medical doctor serving in
the Franco-Chinese war over Tonkin and Annam in the period 1884-1885.
The book reports the conditions under which this war was fought in the
plains and hills of North Vietnam and describes a number of skirmishes
between French and Chinese troops. However, Dr. Édouard Hocquard
was much more than an army doctor of the first class, with the rank
of major, actively engaged in caring for wounded soldiers; he was also
a keen observer of the customs and beliefs of the Vietnamese. His attention
is especially focused on social issues and the livelihood of the Vietnamese,
but he was also a meticulous observer of natural history. Numerous splendid,
and previously unpublished, plates of scenes of peace and war in the
Vietnamese countryside and of picturesque towns make for a colorful
and worthy addition to Dr. Hocquard's descriptions.
(Bangkok 1999; First English translation from 1889-1891) ISBN 974-8434-41-9
624 pp., illus.,m 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

by Johnson, Wray R.
US$ 19.50
Book order code : E 22 188
Vietnam and American Doctrine for Small Wars is the first comprehensive
treatment of the evolution of U.S. military doctrine for countering
guerillas and other irregular forces in small wars. Since its inception,
the United States has been engaged in small wars, or low intensity conflict,
and has contested irregular opponents in each. The end of World War
II ushered in what has since become known as the "counterinsurgency
era," its genesis arguably the containment strategy of the Truman
Doctrine of 1947, upon which policy-makers and military planners constructed
rudimentary counter-insurgency doctrine for combatting communist guerrillas
in Greece. Yet Vietnam was the real test for counter-insurgency doctrine,
and the war in Vietnam has remained the touchstone for American involvement
in small wars ever since. With the end of the Vietnam War, small wars
doctrine has risen or fallen according to the perceived threat to the
national security interests of the United States, concurrent with the
success or failure of scholars and military professionals in persuading
the national security bureaucracy to make qualitative changes in doctrine
and force structure. In that light, this study examines the roots of
American military doctrine for small wars and its subsequent evolution
from "counterinsurgency" in the 1960s to "stability and
support operations" in the 1990s, and concludes with an analysis
of the legacy of Vietnam and the implications for emergent military
doctrine in the post-Cold War era.
(Bangkok 2000) ISBN 974-7534-50-9
352 pp., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

: The History of an Extinct Vietnamese Culture
by Maspero, Georges
US$ 24.50
Book order code : E 22
This is the first English translation of Georges Maspero's seminal history
of Champa, a kingdom located on the coast of Vietnam. Written at the
beginning of the last century, the book went through several editions
and revisions based on expert comment. The text presented here in its
first English translation is the second revised edition of 1928. Mostly
based on Chinese and Viet sources, the book traces the history of Champa
from its origins to its final decline. The Cham people, a fierce, often
ruthless warrior population living on the South China Sea coasts were
subjected both to the Chinese court and, at various periods, to the
Viet people advancing south. The Cham often made the coasts unsafe for
traders-Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Portuguese alike-and hence fomented
innumerable military campaigns against them. The Viet coming from the
north pushed them further into the northern and eventually the southern
parts of present-day Vietnam. In the end, the Cham fled partly to Cambodia
and partly into the peninsula's inhospitable hills where they live today
as a pitiful remnant of a once great nation.
(Bangkok 2002; First English translation of the 2nd edition, 1928)
ISBN 974-7534-99-1
236 pp., 36 pp. illus., 210 x 290 mm, pbk.

by Morice, A.
US$ 17.50
Book order code : E 21 948
A report on Dr. Morice's posting in the then newly- acquired colony
of France, Cochinchina. Since the author took a special interest in
snakes and insects, attention is paid to the less well known species
of the area. Dr. Morice also elaborates on the local people and their
customs, including the Chinese merchants active in Saigon and on the
diseases most commonly occuring in various postings. A number of local
customs and festivities are described through the tinted spectacles
of a colonialist Frenchman. Dr. Morice also traveled the smaller towns
of the Delta extensively, and contributes to our knowledge of the terrain
before the French commenced their culturally damaging, large-scale intervention.
(Bangkok 1997; First English translation from 1875) ISBN 974-8496-96-1
124 pp., illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

by Neis, Dr. P.
US$ 22.50
Book order code : E 22 025
The book reports on the work of the French and Chinese delegation which
together formed the Border Demarcation Commission set up after the Franco-Chinese
war (by the Treaty of Tien-Tsin, 9 June 1885) to determine and mark
the borders between China and Tonkin, France's newest possession in
the Far East. Besides reporting on the work of demarcation, Dr. Neis
reports briefly on the people and regions he passed through. He also
provides a sketch of relations between local Chinese traders, lower-ranking
mandarins on both sides of the border, and the Annamites and hill tribes
of the border regions.
(Bangkok 1998; First English translation from 1887) ISBN 974-8434-44-3
224 pp., illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

by Nguyen Xuan Hien
US$ 19.75
Book order code : E 22 223
This study presents, on a multi-disciplinary basis and from ethnological
and cultural perspectives, the fabulous role of glutinous rice in day-to-day
life and in ceremonial festivities and religious manifestations. The
author sums up his four decades of research and cross-checks with documents
and eyewitnesses both in the distant past and at the present time, and
with polls, surveys and interviews performed recently. All these are
supported by sayings, proverbs, lullabies, folksongs and folktales from
North to South Vietnam and, to some extensive extent, in various neighboring
countries where local people share with the Vietnamese their traditional
ways of preparing multiple specialties, gruels, soups, porridges, cakes
in endless kinds of shapes and colors but the key ingredient remains
glutinous rice. The Vietnamese b?nh gi?y is closely linked to the Japanese
mochi, the Chinese nian gao; the budbud in Mindanao (the Philippines)
and lets us remember the Indonesian lemper, the Vietnamese b?nh t?t,
the Thai khao tom khon; the way to drink ruou c?n in Central Highlands
(Vietnam) does not differ in the manner of the pangasi feast in Palawan
(the Philippines). Diversity fades before unity. The factual item that
unifies Southeastern Asians with one another is, among others, glutinous
rice. The modernization and globalization in the new millennium can
not challenge the throne of this sacred rice because only through offerings
with this rice, can the prayers communicate with Gods and Buddhas and,
their faith, their prayers are demonstrated.
(Bangkok 2001) ISBN 974-7534-23-1
290 pp., 16 pp. color illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

: Rule and Response (1859-1905)
by Osborne, Milton
US$ 22.50
Book order code : E 21 953
Milton Osborne's pioneering study of the first five decades of French
colonial presence in southern Vietnam (Cochinchina) and Cambodia has
been described as "indispensable" in relation to Cambodia's
history and "fascinating" for its account of the rise of a
French-backed Vietnamese elite in Cochinchina. Drawing on previously
neglected archival sources in Paris, Phnom Penh and Saigon, the book
shows that the effects of French policies were sharply different in
these two regions. In southern Vietnam, France's policy of direct rule
created a new and important class of collaborators, men who were ready
to work with the French and who gained materially from the colonial
presence. In Cambodia by contrast, France preserved the king's symbolic
importance, despite stripping him of real power, a fact that was to
be of great importance later in the twentieth century. Dealing with
a broad range of issues, including administration, law and education,
and providing vivid pen portraits of individuals of great interest,
on both sides of the colonial divide, the book is important for the
period it treats and as an introduction to the later troubled history
of the Indochinese region.
(Bangkok 1997; repr. from 1968) ISBN 974-8434-00-1
397 pp., 8 pp. in color, 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

: in the Tourane Museum (Da Nang, Vietnam) - Religious
Ceremonies and Superstitions of Champa
by Parmentier, Henri, Paul Mus & Entienne Aymonier
US$ 22.50
Book order code : E 22 240
The first report in this book offers an overview of Cham art with sixty-five
photographs and an introductory text by the eminent French archaeologist
Henri Parmentier. Originally published in 1922, this book remains one
of the best introductions to the treasures preserved in the Tourane
Museum in Danang. It features splendid photographs of Cham art discovered
in the main areas of this long lost culture-Mi Son, Dong Duong, Khuong
My, and Tra Kieu. The development of Cham art is sketched against the
background of Annamese migration pushing the Cham people and their kingdom
ever further south. Descriptive features with examples of discovered
pieces are given for Champa art during the original, cubic, derived,
and decadent periods.
The second part consists of two research reports. The first one by Paul
Mus summarizes what is known about the religious practices of the Cham
people during various periods based on artifacts and translated inscriptions.
The author also reviews the available evidence from contemporary Cham
culture. The religious inheritance of Champa is related to Vedic, Indian,
Chinese, and Annamese forms of worship, and the significance of the
Champa king as intermediary between the gods and the soil on which his
people lived is also discussed.
The second report by ?tienne Aymonier contains an overview, dated 1884-85,
of the religious practices, ceremonies related to veneration of divinities,
marriage, birth, priesthood, death, agriculture, collection of eagle
wood, and other customs of both groups of Chams, Muslims and non-Muslims,
in Vietnam, and Chams in Cambodia.
(Bangkok 2001; First English translations of 1922, 1934, 1891) ISBN
152 pp., 56 pp. illus., 210 x 290 mm, pbk.

Introdution and Overview
by Schliesinger, Joachim
US$ 27.50
Book order code : E 21 975
This volume describes the diversity of lifestyles and cultures of the
mountain peoples. Untouched by commercial development and modern attitudes
for decades, most of the tribesmen sustain their traditions. Their natural
surroundings are occupied by spirits and genies. Village and house construction,
agricultural activities, weddings, child births, sickness, death and
many more everyday situations are influenced by spiritual beliefs. This
first volume introduces the ethnography and the classification of the
hill tribe groups in Vietnam and presents a general overview of the
habitation, social structure, government policy, education, health care,
swidden farming, opium cultivation, religion and traditional customs.
The complexity of their way of living is clarified with 254 illustrations.
(Bangkok 1997) ISBN 974-8434-10-9
166 pp., 80 pp. illus. in color, 4 maps, 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

Profiles of Existing Hill Tribe Groups
by Schliesinger, Joachim
US$ 27.50
Book order code : E 22 002
The book deals with the tribal customs and habits of all 50 mountain
peoples living in Vietnam. This volume describes the history, costumes
and crafts, design of houses and villages, agricultural activities and
the economy, society and religious practices of each individual group.
The variety of their traditions is shown in 229 illustrations.
(Bangkok 1998) ISBN 974-8434-11-7
216 pp., 72 pp. color illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

: Three Days and Three Months
by Terzani, Tiziano
US$ 20.00
Book order code : E 21 950
This book reminds us of the fall of Saigon and the defeat of the Americans
in South Vietnam. Many people today visit Vietnam and in the back of
their minds they connect that country with a long, painful war that
happened there many years ago. But how did that war end? Here is a unique
eye-witness account of that dramatic, epochal event written by a journalist
who was present. Terzani had been in Indochina as a war correspondent
for over four years when, on April 27th, 1975, he slipped back into
Saigon. The city, surrounded by the Vietcong and North Vietnamese forces,
was in panic and thousands of people were trying to escape. Foreigners,
including most journalists were soon evacuated by American planes, ships
and helicopters that landed on rooftops just before the communists moved
in. Terzani decided to stay and he reported on the next ninety-four
days: the last-ditch negotiation attempts, the panicked US evacuation,
the precipitous conquest of Saigon, the anxious waiting for a bloodbath
that never came, and the first signs of transformation and reconstruction.
Terzani, whose reports of the takeover at Doc Lap Palace on April 30th,
1975, were the first news bulletins out of the new Vietnam, brings an
informed passion to this exclusive story. He provides dramatic revelations
about the last few days of the American presence: how the Americans
blocked negotiations to gain time for their own evacuation, the story
behind the abortive baby-lift, the unmasking of agents on both sides.
He offers an incisive picture of Saigon waiting, the Americans escaping,
of communist troops marching triumphantly into the city center shouting
"Giai Phong! Giai Phong! Liberation! Liberation!"
(Bangkok 1997: repr. from 1976) ISBN 974-8496-93-7
305 pp., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

: The Mekong Exploration
(1866-68) Vol. 4
by Thorel, Dr. Clovis
US$ 17.50
Book order code : E 22 186
Agriculture and Ethnobotany of the Mekong Basin is the fourth volume
of The Mekong Exploration Commission Report (1866-1868). It presents
an in-depth overview of agriculture, horticulture, forestry, dye and
textile plants, and medicinal plants, and discusses the main trade crops
of the countries of the wider Mekong Valley, including Yunnan, Vietnam,
Laos, northeast Thailand, and Cambodia. The main impediments to greater
productivity of these sectors are discussed in the framework of the
beginning of French colonial expansion in the area. This overview contains
a host of scientific facts that cannot be found easily anywhere else
on uses of plants and agricultural methods practiced on various types
of land. The book has been enhanced with a number of period scientific
drawings of botanical taxa of interest to present-day readers.
(Bangkok 2001: First English translation of 1873) ISBN 974-7534-43-6
294 pp., 62 pp. illus. 150 x 210 mm, pbk.

YEARS IN VIETNAM (1907-1910)
Medicine, Chams and Tribesmen in Nhatrang and Surroundings
by Vassal, Gabrielle M.
US$ 16.50
Book order code : E 22 061
This doctor's wife's diaries cover a great number of aspects of the
life of Vietnamese, Cham and hill tribe people around Nhatrang as well
as that of the life of a French medical doctor and his wife in colonial
Vietnam. Gabrielle Vassal, a British national, had a good eye for the
position of women and for daily household life and used her keen sense
of observation and inquiry to analyze what she saw. The Vassals engage
in the usual touristic and health excursions to the Langbian plateau
with its agricultural station, but also in big game hunting, at that
time still acceptable. The book provides a good overview of local ceremonies,
superstitions andbeliefs, and of the medical issues confronting the
administration. This book's descriptions are greatly enhanced by more
than one hundred extremely rare period photographs of all aspects of
the life of these peoples and of some of the old Cham monuments in Nhatrang.
(Bangkok 1999; repr. from 1910) ISBN 974-8434-53-2
284 pp., illus., 150 x 210 mm, pbk.
We also have rare and out-of-print books on Vietnam,
Thailand, Laos,
and Southeast-Asia.