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* Mengrai Monument Chiangrai * Mengrai Monument Chiangrai * Mengrai Monument Chiangrai *

Thailand online, Monument of King Mengrai, Chiangrai, Nordthailand: Deutsch Thailand online, Monument of King Mengrai, Chiangrai, Northern Thailand: Thai


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Monument of King Mengrai the Great

King Mengrai was the founder of Chiang Rai.

His monument, the monument of King Mengrai the Great, is located at the beginning of the road to Mae Chan, Mae Sai and Chiang Saen (Golden Triangle).

Monument of King Mengrai the Great, Photo Gallery:

Monument of King Mengrai the Great (7.6 K)
Photo: The Monument of King Mengrai the Great in the traffic of Chiang Rai.

Monument of King Mengrai the Great (11.9 K)
Photo: Monument of King Mengrai the Great, picture 2.

Monument of King Mengrai the Great (10.2 K)
Photo: Monument of King Mengrai the Great, picture 3.


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Sight seeing and attractions in other parts of Chiang Rai province:

Thailand online: Chiang Mai

Thailand online: Chiang Rai

Thailand online: North Thailand

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Diese Seite wurde am 15. Oktober 1996 gestaltet und zuletzt am 17. Januar 2004 aktualisiert.
This page was created on October 15, 1996 and last updated on January 17, 2004.
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