Guestbook of Thailand online
Gästebuch von Thailand online
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Welcome to the
Ban Thung Phrao, Wawi-Valley, Chiang Rai
We would love it if you would add a comment or
information to the guestbook of Thailand online!
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insGästebuch von Thailand online!
Thanks for providing the useful information. Do you know where I can learn about the educational programs available to hilltribe students in Thailand?
Thanks and kop khun kha!
Shelly Westebbe <>
LA, CA Thailand -
Sun Nov 26 22:33:50 EST 2000
Hallo Thailandfreunde,
wer kann mir Infos zu Ausflugsmöglichkeiten auf Ko Samui geben?
Kann man sich mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln gut und preiswert bewegen?
Wo gibt es gute Schnorchelmöglichkeiten (direkt vom Hotel aus)?
Kennt jemand das "Fair House" am Chaweng Noi Beach?
Über Tips und Kommentare würde ich mich sehr freuen.
Viele Grüße von Daniela
Daniela <>
Berlin, Thailand -
Fri Nov 24 18:47:36 EST 2000
Akhas rule! Yeah, beibe. :-)
Hm. <>
Hartola-city, Itä-Häme Finland -
Fri Nov 24 03:23:54 EST 2000
Wer kann mir Info oder Links geben ueber Landrechte, Landkauf,Vererbung
von Land in Thailand. Bin fuer jede Info dankbar.
Franz Schmidlin <>
Swiss -
Tue Nov 21 13:14:11 EST 2000
Hi everybody,
I am a 18 year-old girl from Germany and very interested in getting to know the Thailand culture and the way of living there. After I had met a person from Bangkok and became good friends with her I decided to go there sometime...
Maybe someone can help me: I am looking for an Au-Pair Job within the next 3 years. Because I am still in school I could only be able to stay there during my summer break for a short period of time. But I would also love to come for one year or so after I have finished school!!
I am glad to get any kind of information about living in Thailand!!!
Caroline <>
Germany -
Mon Nov 20 15:45:36 EST 2000
Vielen Dank fuer die Publikationen, die regelmaessig ueber die haeufig wechselnden Gesetzgebungen hier in Thailand, die manchmal fuer einen Farang schwer zu druchschauen und zu verstehen sind, informieren.
Richard Hall <>
Bangkok, Bangkok Thailand -
Sun Nov 19 04:12:38 EST 2000
I will be in cm (again) from january 2001 for a few months studying at Payap University, any one else going there??? drop us a line.
Guernsey, Channel Islands uk -
Tue Nov 14 11:31:42 EST 2000
The immediately year will I work in a school.
I’m trained as librarian, in nursery and as educator….
Interest of mine is travelling, nature, children, studies, literature, music, food and wine, family life….
Travels gladly to the sun in Spain.
Have grown-up children.
Thailand -
Sun Nov 12 07:39:35 EST 2000
Hello! I'm a Norwegian girl and my friend and I are planning to stay in Thailand for a year. Does anyone have a recommondation etc. for where it's good to stay (climate, prices, apartments, beaches etc.)? We also wonder about taking a small job while we're there. Is it difficult to get low paid part time jobs in Thailand? I hope someone can help me. I also appreciate other piece of advice and so on! ;o)
Margrete Breivik <>
Bergen, Norway -
Tue Nov 7 14:02:35 EST 2000
Ich habe beider Anfrag über ein Quartier und weiteren Informationen meine E-Mail Adresse Vergessen ich bitte um Entschuldigung.
Viele Grüße Göber Werner
Göber Werner <>
St.Pölten, Austria -
Mon Nov 6 04:11:15 EST 2000
Meine Frau und ich sind Begeisterte Thailandfans.Den das Land und die Leute sind überaus freundlich und sehr nett.
Ich suche für die Zeit vom 14.02.2001-11.03.2001 in Pattaya ein güstiges Hotel wer kann mir Informatioen zukommen lassen.
Ich bedanke mich bei allen die mir Informationen über das Reisen mit dem Bus durch das Land ,über Tagesausflüge und Sehenswertes was man vielleicht im Reiseführer nicht sehen kann senden werden.
Göber Werner <werner_goeber>
St.Pölten, Austria -
Mon Nov 6 04:00:10 EST 2000
this website is really good and it has heaps of great info but i am
having trouble finding some certain information.
Could you please send to me the population, exports and
death rate plus any other interesting information that might
be handy for a SOSE project.
Thanking you,
Ursula Damen
Ursula Damen <>
Hobart, Tasmania Australia -
Wed Nov 1 17:54:15 EST 2000
Please add information or questions to the
guestbook of Thailand online!
Wir freuen uns über jeden Eintrag ins
Gästebuch von Thailand online!
Welcome to the
Mae Hong Sorn, Thailand
Thank you for visiting Thailand online.
Danke für Ihren Besuch bei Thailand online.